We offer warm congratulations and blessings on your decision to take this important step. Preparation for the sacrament of holy matrimony at our parish will include guided preparation through various meetings between the couple and one of our priests, as well as attendance at a regional “engaged conference” with speakers covering a wide range of topics. We also offer the option of pairing you with a mentor couple (please ask if interested!).
If you are engaged and would like to set a date for your wedding and begin marriage preparation, please contact Rev. Andrew Budzinski or call 289-5539 at least six months in advance so we have time to ensure that optimal discernment, preparation, spiritual growth, and prayer can be incorporated into your preparation.
After selecting a date, the pastor preparing you for the Sacrament of Marriage will connect you with Nancy Kielton, our Parish Wedding Coordinator. Nancy will meet with you to plan ceremony details and decorations, as well as assist with timing and coordination at the church on the day of your wedding.
Questions about what happens at a Catholic wedding? See the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ video, Saying I Do.
Marriage isn’t just about finding the right person, but being the right person. Today many of the messages from our culture tell us that marriage just isn’t worth it. Too hard. Too much commitment. “Just a piece of paper.” But as Catholic Christians, we believe that through our baptism we are called to something higher.
Mary Jo Pederson of the Archdiocese of Omaha writes, “from the Christian perspective… we believe people choose marriage because God calls them to it. We regard marriage as a vocation, a call to holiness not unlike the call to priesthood or consecrated or single life. Every baptized person is called to be “holy,” to become an image of God and ultimately to reach heaven through whatever pathway they choose whether it be marriage, religious life, ordination or the single life.”
Dating: Four Basics to Keep in Mind